UNIDCOM presents the workshop list for the first semester of 2018/19. For most cases, the classes will be held in English, unless when pointed otherwise. All sessions are free and open to the community but subjected to previous registration and room capacity (approx. 30 people).
Workshop List
How to write a literature revision
with Sara Gancho, IADE-UE
@ IADE, Lisboa
5 November, 19h00-22h00, room 43
Search in digital bibliographic databases and introduction to reference managers
with BAQ
@ IADE, Lisboa
12 November, 19h00-22h00, room 12
Science Communication with the lay public: "Yes, we can!"
com Vasco Trigo, ISCTE/IUL
@ IADE, Lisboa
19 November, 19h00-22h00, room 12
Exploratory data analysis with SPSS
with Joaquim Casaca, IADE-UE
@ IADE-UE, Lisboa
26 November, 19h00-22h00, room 24
Research strategies: Visual Thinking as a tool
with Gabriel Patrocínio, ESDI/UERJ
@ IADE-UE, Lisboa
3 December, 19h00-22h00, room 12
Construction of online questionnaires with Qualtrics
with Joaquim Casaca, IADE-UE
@ IADE-UE, Lisboa
10 December, 19h00-22h00, room 12
How to make a scientific poster or communication
with Emília Duarte, IADE-UE
@ IADE-UE, Lisboa
19 Dezembro, 19h00-22h00, room 42
Academic and Scientific writing I and II
with Anabela Couto, IADE-UE
@ IADE-UE, Lisboa
7 January, 19h00-22h00, room 12
9 January, 19h00-22h00, room 52