UNIDCOM/IADE has laboratories and support centres for the management of knowledge, technology, innovation and creativity, and its laboratory intensity can be considered medium.
Knowledge transfer is a priority, facilitated by five dedicated laboratories. These labs are designed for experimentation and feature investments in equipment and infrastructure. Each lab is overseen by a coordination team and a core group, which collaborates with other researchers and students based on project needs and partnerships. Projects conducted in the labs align with the scientific program outlined in the clusters.
The laboratory infrastructure at UNIDCOM embodies a diverse spectrum of research activities across the realms of Design, Arts, Technology, and Communication, they are:
- Strategic Design and Innovation - SDI.Lab
- Bio-Inspired Design - BiD.Lab
- Design-Tech Nexus - DTN.Lab
- Design for Humanity - DFH.Lab
- Media Arts and Design - MADx.Lab
SDI.Lab (Strategic Design + Innovation Lab) is a laboratory dedicated to promoting the application of design processes to organisational strategies, focusing mainly on innovation, with a strong future orientation. Its main concern is to contribute to improving the competitiveness of organisations operating at national and European level, either from public sector or non-profit organizations, by providing them with design management capabilities, creation of new products, services and business models, based on data derived from theoretical and applied research. This practice will be supported by an inter-institutional collaboration with the Milan Polytechnic’s Ci-Lab, adopting processes and methods such as design thinking, gamification, innovation management processes, among others.
The DTN.Lab (Design-Tech Nexus Lab) operates at the intersection of engineering, computer science, technology, art, and design, with the primary aim of developing ethical, fair, and responsible technology-based solutions. Its core mission is to address the pressing challenges of the digital age while promoting human dignity, protecting natural and built heritage, supporting democracy, and fostering peace. Through an interdisciplinary approach, the lab engages in the creation of innovative technologies that have a positive impact on society, focusing on solutions that contribute to a flourishing future for humanity. The DTN.Lab collaborates with industry leaders, research institutions, and technology developers, adopting frameworks such as human-centred design, responsible innovation, and sustainable development, to ensure that its outcomes promote social good and respect for the environment.
The DTN.Lab
The BID.Lab (Bio-Inspired Design Lab) is a laboratory that operates at the intersection between biosciences and design, art and technology, investigating the relationship between designers and nature and promoting the application of biological concepts, processes, structures and materials in the development of new design solutions. Its main concern is the generation and dissemination of knowledge in the areas of nature inspired/based design, biodesign, sustainability and related areas, through research, education and action activities, as well as the promotion of the transfer of knowledge and results to the relevant players in society. The BID.Lab will also be open to the wider community, welcoming the collaboration of different stakeholders, namely, but not only, companies and brands, research institutes, bioartists and environmental associations.
The DFH.Lab
The DFH.Lab (Design for Humanity Lab) operates at the intersection of social sciences, including sociology, anthropology, public policy, and design, to address complex societal issues with a focus on fostering positive social change. By integrating social innovation design and social design methodologies, the lab aims to create solutions that respect the relationships between people, places, and things. The lab’s work is grounded in conviviality, prioritising collaboration and inclusivity in its approach to problem-solving. Through research, dialogue, and practice, the DFH.Lab explores how design can contribute to sustainable societal transformation, improving quality of life and social equity. It works with diverse stakeholders, such as governmental bodies, NGOs, communities, and social enterprises, to implement design-driven initiatives that make a tangible difference in society.
The MADx.Lab
The MADx.Lab (Media Arts and Design Lab) operates at the intersection of artistic, cultural, museum, multimedia, and design studies, providing a dynamic space for experimental and speculative work in the fields of media, photography, web design, digital arts, and game design. The lab investigates the symbolic, representational, and aesthetic dimensions of contemporary media, exploring how digital technologies intersect with culture, memory, and heritage. By engaging with issues related to the representation of identity, narrative, and experience, MADx.Lab fosters innovative approaches to storytelling and visual communication. The lab also examines the role of media and design in shaping collective memory, preserving heritage, and offering new forms of entertainment. It is a collaborative environment that welcomes artists, curators, technologists, and cultural institutions, encouraging interdisciplinary partnerships and creative experimentation.
This structure enables UNIDCOM to explore interconnections and respond to complex issues with creativity and flexibility, promoting systemic approaches and transdisciplinarity.