Annual Publications
Abreu, R., & Martinez, L. M. (2023). Charting the ChatGPT course: A quantitative study of management students’ standpoints on AI in education. Paper presented at the 16th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain, November 13-15.
Albérico, R., & Joaquim, A. C. (2023). Relationship marketing and customer retention - A systematic literature review. Studies in Business and Economics, 18(3), 44–66.
Alves, F. (2023). An interactive orrery for cognitive stimulation of people with intellectual disability. 12th International Conference Senses & Sensibility’23: Design & Complexity, Malaga, November 28–December 1, 2023. Full paper accepted.
Alves, M., Casaca, J., Hernández-Ramírez, R., & Ayanoğlu, H. (2023). Improving the aspects of design process through typology of domestic violence victims (waiting for publication). 12th International Senses & Sensitivity Conference’23: Design and Complexity, November 28–December 1, 2023, Malaga, Spain.
Amaro, A. C., Martinez, L. M., Ramos, F. R., Menezes, K., & Menezes, S. (2023). An overstimulated consumer in a highly visual world: The moderating effect of the highly sensitive person trait on the attitude towards the ad. Electronic Commerce Research, 23(3), 1429–1458.
Andrade, B., Ramalho, J., Lima, E., & Morais, R. (2023). The personality of visual elements: Creating a framework for the development of the visual identity based on brand personality dimensions. 17th International Conference on Design Principles and Practices: New Agendas for Design: Principles of Scale, Practices of Inclusion.
Antunes, S., Ferreira, J., Matos, J., & Salido López, P. V. (2023, November). Mapear y componer con los elementos estructurales del lenguaje visual: Para a observação do(s) sentido(s) decorrentes da sua leitura e o uso das suas possibilidades investigativas e comunicacionais. In Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos Educacionais - CIED (Org.), 11º Encontro do CIED: Produção de Conhecimento em Contexto. Escola Superior de Educação do Politécnico de Lisboa.
Baptista, N., & Boechat, A. C. (2023). O marketing social no contexto da intervenção social. In I. Casquilho-Martins & J. Fialho (Eds.), Planeamento da intervenção social - Conceção, ação e avaliação (pp. 167–185). Edições Sílabo.
Barban-Franceschi, R., Yañez-Martínez, B., & Fraile-Narvaez, M. (2023). Conexión entre historia y proyecto en un nuevo abordaje en la enseñanza online de Historia del Diseño. In N. Navarro Sierra, R. Vinader Segura, R., & O. Serrano Villalobos (Eds.), Pensamiento, arte y comunicación: La importancia de hacer llegar el mensaje (pp. 49–66). Dykinson.
Barreto, A. M., Brito, N. C., Boechat, A. C., Martins, L. O., & Martins, F. (2023). Why don’t we consume energy more efficiently? A Lisbon Parish council case study. Frontiers in Energy Efficiency, 1.
Bernardo, N., & Duarte, E. (2023). Industrial design education and immersive virtual reality: Perceptions on utility and integration. In A. Marcus, E. Rosenzweig, & M. M. Soares (Eds.), Design, User Experience, and Usability. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 14031 (pp. 371–383). Springer.
Bernat, G., Castro, M. S., Barcaui, A. B., & Soares, R. R. (2023). Sustainability in project management and project success with virtual teams: A quantitative analysis considering stakeholder engagement and knowledge management. Sustainability, 15(12), 9834.
Boavida, J., Ayanoglu, H., & Pereira, C. V. (2023). Active aging and smart public parks. Geriatrics, 8(5), 94.
Boavida, J., Pereira, C., & Ayanoğlu, H. (2023). A study of Lisbon public parks identifying and classifying problems. Seventeenth International Conference on Design Principles & Practices, March 29–31, 2023, Lisbon, Portugal.
Boechat, A. C. (2023). Mind map as a creative tool in the advertising context: A teaching methodology. Conference EDULearn 2023 - 15th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies.
Boechat, A. C., Baptista, N., & Torgal, M. R. (2023). When sustainability goes wrong. In A critical perspective about consumer behaviour, greenwashing, and its impact on sustainability (pp. 1–20). IGI Global.
Camacho, J. (2023). Os desafios da globalização [Apresentação de artigo]. Associação Nacional da Indústria de Moldes XI Congresso da Indústria de Moldes. Oliveira de Azeméis.
Cartay, M. M., & Duarte, E. C. (2023). A product design approach to promote psychological detachment in remote work from home. In E. Duarte & A. Di Roma (Eds.), Developments in Design Research and Practice II. Senses 2021. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, Vol. 31 (pp. 297–311). Springer.
Carvalho, M. A., Hernández-Ramírez, R., & Ayanoğlu, H. (2023). Understanding the methodological value of mapping alternative fiction scenarios in the context of domestic violence. In N. Martins & D. Brandão (Eds.), Advances in Design and Digital Communication IV. DIGICOM 2023. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, Vol. 35 (pp. 529–540). Springer.
Cortes, B., Teles, J., & Duarte, E. (2023). Exploring emotions in avatar design to increase adherence to chatbot technology. In A. Marcus, E. Rosenzweig, & M. M. Soares (Eds.), Design, User Experience, and Usability. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 14033 (pp. 245–260). Springer.
Cunha, D. S. da, & Ramalho, J. (2023). Contribución al estudio crítico del podcasting en el campo periodístico portugués. In H. M. Sánchez Gonzales (Ed.), Estratégias del Periodismo en la Esfera Digital: Innovación y Formación (pp. 57–74). Editorial Universidad de Sevilla.
Duarte, A. M. C., Athie, S., & Farinha, I. (2023). Blue Circular Post Branding Project: Design process to approach complex systems. 12th Senses & Sensibility 2023: Design and Complexity, November 27–December 1, 2023, Malaga, Spain.
Dutschke, G., & Dias, A. (2023). Felicidade organizacional. RH Editora.
Dutschke, G., Dias, A., Guillen, C., & Sánchez-Sevilla, S. (in press). Factors contributing to organizational happiness. European Journal of International Management.
Dutschke, J., Dutschke, G., Dias, A., & Pereira (2023). The importance of events, happiness, and brand love for place sustainability. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets.
Farinha, I., Duarte, C. A. M., & de Carvalho, M. G. (2023). S&S’21 Marine plastic pollution, design & circular economy. In E. Duarte & A. Di Roma (Eds.), Developments in Design Research and Practice II. Senses 2021. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, Vol. 31 (pp. 275–285). Springer.
Ferreira, J., & Hernández-Ramírez, R. (2023). Learning to make sense: Sketchnoting in undergraduate design education.
Ferreira, S., & Pereira, O. (2023). Antecedents of consumers' intention and behavior to purchase organic food in the Portuguese context. Sustainability, 15(12), 9670.
Ferreira, S., Pereira, O., & Simões, C. (2023). Determinants of consumers' intention to visit green hotels: Combining psychological and contextual factors. Journal of Vacation Marketing.
Figueiredo, R., Castro, M., Veiga, P. M., Soares, R. R., & Costa, H. G. (2023). The Spinner innovation and knowledge flow for future health scenarios applications. In M. Sousa, F. Nunes, G. Nascimento, & P. Chakraborty (Eds.), Handbook on Future Health Scenarios: AI and Digital Technologies in Global Healthcare Systems (pp. 129–142). Taylor & Francis Group.
Gamito Caixas, M., & Matias Sanches Oliveira, F. (2023). Speculative for strategic design. In N. Martins & D. Raposo (Eds.), Communication Design and Branding. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, Vol. 32 (pp. 220–234). Springer.
Gancho, S. (2023). The existing gap between design management and management: Contributions on how to bridge it successfully. In N. Martins & D. Raposo (Eds.), Communication Design and Branding. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, Vol. 32 (pp. 305–316).
Gomes Ferreira, J., Moura, R., Ferreira, M. A., Milne, V., Gonçalves, E., Abreu, D., & Guerreiro, L. (2023). Shelter project: Designing an innovative solution for earthquake resilience and survival. Human Dynamics and Design for the Development of Contemporary Societies, 81.
Gonçalves, A., Martinez, L. M., & Ramos, F. R. (2023). The influence of colour in the decision-making process: Luxury brands. Paper presented at the 7th Theory and Applications in the Knowledge Economy (TAKE) Conference, Sopot, Poland, June 28–30.
Gorgel Pinto, A., Ramalho, J., Reaes Pinto, P., & Figueiredo, F. A. C. (2023). Digital experience theatre: Ideation tool for developing socially significant digital products. Paper presented at the Paris Conference on Arts & Humanities, Paris.
Gorgel Pinto, A., Souto, H., Estima, J., Latka, J., Lacerda Matos, J., Morais, R., & Gomes Rodrigues, S. I. (2023). Design e equidade de género: A criatividade de mulheres designers desde o movimento moderno. IADE Press.
Gramaxo, P., Flores, I., Dutschke, G., & Seabra, F. (2023). What makes a school a happy school? Portuguese students’ perspectives. Frontiers in Education, Sec. Educational Psychology, 8.
Gramaxo, P., Seabra, F., Abelha, M., & Dutschke, G. (2023). Happy schools Portugal: Elementos definidores da felicidade organizacional das escolas. Livro Resumos do XVII Congreso Internacional Psicopedagogía Galego-Portugués - IV Congreso ACIP.
Gramaxo, P., Seabra, F., Abelha, M., & Dutschke, G. (2023). What makes a school a happy school? Parents’ perspectives. Education Sciences, 13(4), 375. MDPI AG.
Hernández-Ramírez, R. (2023). AI engines as tools for creative exploration in design: A case of variational cross-examination.
Hernández-Ramírez, R., & Parrilli, D. M. (2023). A defense of friction—Or why ubiquitous computing should not recede to the background. In N. Martins & D. Brandão (Eds.), Advances in Design and Digital Communication III (Vol. 27, pp. 125–136). Springer Nature Switzerland.
Improta, V., & Ferreira, A. M. (2019). Changing the game: Social engagement and cultural adaptation of young refugees through playful design. Communication presented at the 10th International Conference’s: Senses & Sensibility 2019: Lost in (G)Localization.
José, H., Tomás, M., Arranhado, S., Batista, C., & Pestana, G. (2023). Indicadores de saúde & bem-estar do cidadão: Desenvolvimento de uma plataforma analítica. Revsalus, 5(Suppl.), 592.
Margalhos, J., Casaca, J. A., Duarte, E., & Ayanoğlu, H. (2023). The influence of context and task on human-robot interaction. In M. Kurosu & A. Hashizume (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction (Vol. 14013, pp. 129–139). Springer Nature Switzerland.
Marquês, C., Ferreira, A. M., & Oliveira, F. (2023). Modular design and technology for diversity and a more sustainable fashion: The RTFKT X Nike and CLO case studies. In N. Martins & D. Brandão (Eds.), Advances in Design and Digital Communication III: DIGICOM 2022 (Vol. 27, pp. 120–134). Springer Series in Design and Innovation.
Martinez, L. M., Pacheco, N., Ramos, F. R., & Bicho, M. (2023). Would you try it again? Dual effects of customer mindfulness on service recovery. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 74, 103438.
Martinez, L. M., Ramos, F. R., Cantú, W., Amaro, A. C., Casadinho, M., Martinez, L. F., & Kumar, S. (2023). The color of things: A bibliometric approach for new marketing and business strategies. Paper presented at the XVIII Conference of the GdC (Gruppo del Colore): Italian Color Association, Polytechnic of Milan, Lecco territorial hub, Italy, September 15th–16th.
Martins, M. N., Baptista, N., & Boechat, A. C. (2023). Consumerism and blockchain technology. In The Application of Technology to Improve Market Equalization (pp. 401–415).
Matos Pereira, J., Antunes, S., & Ferreira, J. (2023, November 25). Arte, criatividade e processos criativos em contextos de formação de agentes educativos. In A. Souto & M. Maravilha (Eds.), 2º Congresso de Investigação em Educação Artística: Livro de Resumos (p. 73–74). Viseu: Politécnico de Viseu.
Menezes, Â., Barros, P., & Alves, F. (2023). The hunting - A collaborative art project at the Maritime Museum of Sesimbra. Cross Media Arts 2023 - International Conference “Social Arts and Collaboration”, February 9–10, 2023, FBAUL, Lisbon, Portugal.
Morais, R. (2023). Design & technology: Mediation by digital advents in avatar therapy. In E. Duarte & A. Di Roma (Eds.), Developments in Design Research and Practice II: Senses 2021 (Vol. 31, pp. 245–259). Springer Series in Design and Innovation.
Morais, R., & Andrade, B. (2023). The personality of visual elements. 17th International Conference on Design Principles and Practices Proceedings.
Morais, R., & Barros, P. (2023). Design’s intrinsic influence in the creation of reality. 17th International Conference on Design Principles and Practices Proceedings.
Morais, R., & Chiachiri, R. (2023). A filosofia da imagem de Lucia Santaella. In P. Borges & J. Franco (Eds.), Tempo da Colheita (pp. 85–98). Filoczar. ISBN: 9786587117874.
Morais, R., & Figueiredo, G. (2023). The impact of chromatic symbolic language in advertising for color-blind people. 17th International Conference on Design Principles and Practices Proceedings.
Morais, R., Rosa, C., & Hernández-Ramírez, R. (2023). Contributions of Peircean semiotics to design education. In A. Biglari (Ed.), Open Semiotics, Volume 3: Texts, Images, Arts (pp. 167–182). Editions L’Harmattan. ISBN: 9782140305290.
Morais, R., Rosa, C., & Hernández-Ramírez, R. (2023). Inter/multi-transdisciplinarity in design education. 17th International Conference on Design Principles and Practices Proceedings.
Mourão, R. (2023). Does 360º communication promote more sustainable behavior in organizations? Paper presented at The 30th International Public Relations Research Symposium (BledCom 2023), Bled, 2023.
Mourão, R. (2023). Entre vozes e silêncios: A avaliação 360º e a comunicação organizacional. Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa.
Mourão, R. (2023). Los influencers digitales: ¿Serán estos los nuevos líderes de opinión? Paper presented at III Congreso H de Comunicación, Medios Audiovisuales y Análisis, 2023.
Negre, Y., & Ricarte, É. (2023). Interfaces do audiovisual Metaverso: Redefinindo a experiência midiática e social. 1ª Seminário Internacional para Estudos da Linguagem Audiovisual e Interfaces, IADE - Universidade Europeia, Portugal.
Neves, E., Pereira, F. A. B., Rodrigues, D., Baião, J., Reis, C., Núñez Sabarís, X., Ferreira, E., Miranda, M., & Morão, P. (2023). Conversas sobre retrato / Portrait Talks. Lisboa, Portugal: IHA - Instituto de História da Arte da NOVA FCSH e Centro de Estudos Humanísticos/Grupo2i da Universidade do Minho.
Nobre, B., & Duarte, E. (2023). Trends in executive education for interactive digital design field: A ten-year case study. EDULEARN’23.
Nolasco, A. (2023). Cape Verdean tapestry and the artistic renewal of a nation: Don’t let the weaving die. The Journal of Modern Craft, 16(1), 27–44.
Nolasco, A. (2023). Diasporic bodies. Irineu Destourelles videoart. Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art, 52, 84–95.
Nolasco, A., Bárrios, J., & Sá, K. (2023). Desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico: Questões de género no contexto da formação em artes no ensino superior. Convergências - Revista de Investigação e Ensino das Artes, 16(31), 85–96.
Parrilli, D. M., & Hernández-Ramírez, R. (2023). A design approach to protect children’s rights to privacy and freedom.
Parrilli, D. M., & Hernández-Ramírez, R. (2023). Does Signal APP’s design protect users’ informational privacy? A critical assessment.
Parrilli, D. M., & Hernández-Ramírez, R. (2023). Does Signal APP’s design protect users’ informational privacy? A critical assessment. In N. Martins & D. Brandão (Eds.), Advances in Design and Digital Communication III (Vol. 27, pp. 236–245). Springer Nature Switzerland.
Parrilli, D. M., & Hernández-Ramírez, R. (2023). Protecting users’ information and dignity through privacy-enhancing design.
Parrilli, D. M., & Hernández-Ramírez, R. (2023). Protecting users’ information and dignity through privacy-enhancing design. In N. Martins, D. Brandão, & F. Paiva (Eds.), Perspectives on Design and Digital Communication III (Vol. 24, pp. 69–88). Springer International Publishing.
Pereira, T. M., & Antunes, S. P. (2023). Museu como dispositivo de investigação em arte e design baseada na prática. In M. Pessanha (Ed.), Sensos-E, 10(1), 115–128. Porto: Escola Superior de Educação.
Pereira, T. M., Antunes, S. P., Matos, J. G., & Sá, K. (2023, Outubro). Cartographies: Artistic practices, school and communities. In D. C. Domínguez (Ed.), Libro de Actas: Congreso Universitario Internacional sobre Comunicación, Innovación y Docencia (CIUCIID 2023) (pp. 1051). Universidad Complutense de Madrid. ISBN 978-84-09-48185-9. Disponível em:
Pestana, G., Rosa, C. A., & Duarte, I. F. (2023). A digital chain of custody for a blue circular economy. Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Knowledge Management, 24(2), 1034–1041.
Pimenta da Gama, A. (2023). Marketing performance measurement: A model of organisational and behavioural factors. Applied Marketing Analytics, 8(3), 320–328.
Pimenta da Gama, A. (2023). Marketing performance: Aligning people, processes, and results. Journal of Business Strategy, 44(2), 96–104.
Pimenta da Gama, A. (2023). Measuring marketing performance: A better model. Journal of Business Strategy, ahead-of-print.
Plötz, S., Martinez, L. M., Martinez, L. F., & Ramos, F. R. (2023). The influence of TikTok videos on German Gen Z consumers’ attitude and purchase intention towards sustainable brands. In F. J. Martínez López (Ed.), Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce: Fourth International Conference, 2023 (pp. 270–289). Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics.
Plötz, S., Martinez, L. M., Martinez, L. F., & Ramos, F. R. (2023). The influence of TikTok videos on German Gen Z consumers’ attitude and purchase intention towards sustainable brands. Paper presented at the 1st Marketing and Business Perspectives Summit – Marketing & Business Challenges for Generation Z, IPAM Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, March 30th.
Plötz, S., Martinez, L. M., Martinez, L. F., & Ramos, F. R. (2023). The influence of TikTok videos on German Gen Z consumers’ attitude and purchase intention towards sustainable brands. Paper presented at the 4th Digital Marketing and eCommerce Conference, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, June 28th–29th.
Ponte, S. (2023). Keynote lecture "Net art: The B side of digital art: About its exhibition and collection" at MuseuZer0, host Miguel Carvalhais, University of Porto.
Ramos, G., & Ricarte, É. (2023). O espaço dos jovens no jornalismo regional português. In P. V. Melo & P. Jerónimo (Eds.), Comunicação comunitária e jornalismo de proximidade: Diálogos e desafios em cenários de crises (pp. 163–184). Covilhã, Portugal: Editora LabCom. ISBN: 978-989-654-943-5 (papel), 978-989-654-945-9 (pdf), 978-989-654-944-2 (ePub).
Reaes Pinto, P., Gorgel Pinto, A., & Rodrigues, P. S., Djassi, F. (2023). Up Start: Community-Based Creative Industries. Paper presented at The Paris Conference on Arts & Humanities, Paris, 2023.
Reaes Pinto, P., Gorgel Pinto, A., & Vicente, S. (2023). Cross Media Arts - Social Arts and Collaboration. Sintra, Portugal: Caleidoscópio.
Rosa, C., & Ferreira, J. (2023). The distant studio: A survey of design students’ experience with distance educational formats. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 33(5), 2019–2043.
Rosa, I., & Ponte, S. (2023). Quando eu grito, quem me ouve: About cyberfeminism and cyberscreams at International Conference Cross Media Arts — Social Art and Collaboration, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Lisbon, Portugal. ISBN 978-989-658-793-2
Rosário, A. T., Raimundo, R., & Cruz, R. N. (2022). Social media analytics and innovation in a digital society: A literature review. In M. Sousa & C. Marques (Eds.), Innovations and Social Media Analytics in a Digital Society (pp. 20–40). CRC Press.
Rosário, A., & Casaca, J. A. (2023). Relational marketing and customer satisfaction: A systematic literature review. Estudios Gerenciales, 39(169), 516–532.
Santos, F. P., & Nogueira, M. (2023). Trabalho final de mestrado: Antes, durante e depois. Almedina. ISBN: 9789894010197
Satte, F., & Ayanoğlu, H. (2023). Smart outdoors for elderly: Insights from expert interviews. In E. Duarte & A. Di Roma (Eds.), Developments in Design Research and Practice II. Senses 2021 (Vol. 31, pp. 285–299). Springer.
Scholten, M., Marques Faia Correia, M. M., Pereira Esteves, M. T. F., & Gonçalves, S. P. (2023). No place for pointless jobs: How social responsibility impacts job performance. Sustainability.
Seixosa, A., & Cadarso, M. (2023). "So that Kyoto will always remain Kyoto": Reflections on the impact of outdoor advertising policies in Kyoto City. In N. Martins & D. Raposo (Eds.), Communication Design and Branding (pp. 113–127). Springer.
Seixosa, A., & Cadarso, M. (2023). A sense of Kyoto through advertising: A case study on how outdoor advertising can support local identity. In N. Martins, D. Brandão, & F. Paiva (Eds.), Perspectives on Design and Digital Communication III (Vol. 24, pp. 283–295). Springer.
Shroff, A., Kumar, S., Martinez, L. M., & Pandey, N. (2023). From clicks to consequences: A multi-method review of online grocery shopping. Electronic Commerce Research.
Silva, M. M., & Gancho, S. (2023). Managing design: Responsibilities, conduct and rights. In E. Duarte & A. Di Roma (Eds.), Developments in Design Research and Practice II. Senses 2021 (Vol. 31, pp. 153–169). Springer.
Silva, V., Hernández-Ramírez, R., Fonseca, B., D'Alcobia, B., & Morais, R. (2023). Turning an existing design system into a service for the BtoB market (case study)—How?. In N. Martins & D. Brandão (Eds.), Advances in Design and Digital Communication III (Vol. 27, pp. 115–130). Springer.
Solina, A. M., Shatnawi, T. M., Ocampo, L. V. G., Martinez, L. M., & Garcia, R. I. (in press). Career and entrepreneurship values and pursuits. In C. Seemiller & M. Grace (Eds.), Gen Z Around the World (pp. 109–119). Emerald Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-83797-093-3 (Print), ISBN: 978-1-83797-092-6 (Online), ISBN: 978-1-83797-094-0 (Epub)
Torgal, M., Boechat, A. C., & Baptista, N. (2023). When sustainability goes wrong: A critical perspective about consumer behavior, greenwashing, and its impact on sustainability. In Effective Digital Marketing for Improving Society Behavior Toward DEI and SDGs. Hershey, Estados Unidos: IGI Global.
Vasques, R., Rodrigues, A. C., & Abreu, D. (2023). Advanced transdisciplinary design methodology of divergence-convergence. Senses & Sensibility: Design and Complexity.
Vasques, R., Rodrigues, A. C., & Abreu, D. (2023). Building Nature #7 Mural de Terra da Cadriceira "Flor da Vida – Da Terra ao Céu". ENSUS 2023 – XI Encontro de Sustentabilidade em Projeto, Florianópolis, Brasil.
Vasques, R., Rodrigues, A. C., & Abreu, D. (2023). Ethnographic studies: Design research cycles – Natural pigments & eco-arts. The International Social Innovation Research Conference 2023 (ISIRC), Universidade do Minho, Guimarães, Portugal.
Vasques, R., Rodrigues, A. C., & Abreu, D. (2023). Serlumen - Mindset for conscious action outside of the Anthropocene. CdC XVIII Color Conference, Politécnico de Milão, Lecco, Itália.
Vieira, P. N., Correia Leal, C., & Morais, R. (2023). University Europeia’s academic model: New trends and experiences. INTED2023 Proceedings.
Zhang, A., Pinto, A. G., & Veiga, I. (2023). Community-centred design for social innovation: Bottom-up and government initiatives in Shanghai.
Amaro, A. C., Martinez, L. M., & Martins, A. Q. (2022). The highly sensitive person (HSP) and online shopping behavior: The impact of visual stimuli on attitude towards the ad and purchase intention. In F. J. Martínez-López & L. F. Martinez (Eds.), Advances in digital marketing and eCommerce: Third International Conference, 2022 (pp. 251-258). Springer Procaeedings in Business and Economics.
Amaro, A. C., Martinez, L. M., Ramos, F. R., Menezes, K., & Menezes, S. (2022). An overstimulated consumer in a highly visual world: The moderating effect of the highly sensitive person trait on the attitude towards the ad. Electronic Commerce Research, 1-30.
Antunes, I. P., Rosa, C., & Almeida, F. (2022). Design research: In the path towards the understanding of the connection between visual information and musical perception in young children. In Senses & Sensibility conference.
Antunes, I., Martinez, L. M., & Martinez, L. F. (2022). The effectiveness of sales promotion techniques on the millennial consumers’ buying behavior. Brazilian Journal of Marketing | Revista Brasileira de Marketing – ReMark, 21(3), 784-809.
Ayanoglu, S. G., Pereira, M., & Duarte, E. (2022). User-oriented challenges of smart mobility: An analysis of focus group to identify user behavior. In E. Duarte & C. Rosa (Eds.), Developments in design research and practice. Senses 2019 (Vol. 17, pp. 32). Springer Series in Design and Innovation. Springer, Cham.
Azinheira, J., Santos, F. P., & Gomes, S. (2022). Creativity in marketing education: Hail to students as observers, visitors, and experimenters. In Proceedings 16th Annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED), 7th-8th March, Valencia, Spain.
Azinheira, J., Santos, F. P., & Gomes, S. (2022). Creativity in marketing education: Hail to students as observers, visitors, and experimenters. 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 7-8 March, 2022, Online Conference.
Bastardo, R., Castro, M., Filipe Da Silva Ramos, L., & Pavão, J. (2022). Radial visualization model in healthcare: A survey. AHFE International.
Bastardo, R., Pavao, J., & Rocha, N. P. (2022). A survey on smart cities and ageing. In ICT4AWE: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and E-Health (pp. 330-337).
Bastardo, R., Pavão, J., & Rocha, N. P. (2022). Embodied communication agents: A scoping review of the impact of applications to support older adults. In A. Rocha, H. Adeli, G. Dzemyda, & F. Moreira (Eds.), Information systems and technologies. WorldCIST 2022 (Vol. 468, pp. 31). Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Springer, Cham.
Bastardo, R., Pavão, J., & Rocha, N. P. (2022). User-centred usability evaluation of embodied communication agents to support older adults: A scoping review. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 414(LNNS), 509-518. International Conference on Information Technology and Systems (ICITS 2022), February 9–11, 2022.
Bastardo, R., Pavão, J., Martins, A. I., Silva, A. G., & Rocha, N. P. (2022). Cognitive screening instruments for community-dwelling older adults: A mapping review. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 381(LNNS), 533-544.
Bemposta, M., & Pinto, A. G. (2022). Inclusive advertising and representativeness of children with disabilities. In Senses & Sensibility conference.
Bernarda, J. (2023). Collaborative design methodologies and mental health: Defining a public and health case study in the intellectual disability sector. Design Principles & Practices.
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