António Manuel Nunes Pereira
Email: antonio.nunes.pereira@universidadeeuropeia.pt
Degree: Ph.D.
Scientific Area: História de Arquitectura
Affiliation: UE-IADE
Category: Professor Associado
ORCID: 0000-0002-4473-3519
Languages: Portuguese, German, English
Research Interests: Early modern architecture, architectural proportions, architectural and design theory of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, palace and court studies, Richard Wagner's music dramas
António Nunes Pereira was born in 1967 in Lisbon and trained as an architect at the Technical University (now University) of Lisbon. He earned his Ph.D. in 2003 at the University of Technology in Aachen, Germany, where he lived from 1991 until 2003. His thesis was about the introduction of the European Renaissance in the former Portuguese colony Goa, India, during the sixteenth century, and the development of a specific Goan church architecture. He worked as an assistant to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartwig Schmidt at the Department for Conservation of Built Heritage at Aachen University (1993-2000). He also cooperated with several architectural offices in Portugal and Germany.
Back in Lisbon since 2003, he has carried on with his research about Renaissance architecture in Goa. With the financial support of the FCT / Lisbon, he concluded between 2005 and 2009 a research project about the architectural geometry and proportions of two churches in Goa (POCI-PPCDT/AUR/60935/2004). His further research interests include conservation of built heritage, palace studies, architectural and design theory of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and Richard Wagner's music dramas.
He is currently Associate Professor at IADE - Universidade Europeia in Lisbon (on leave), and researcher at UNIDCOM / IADE since 2003. He is director of the Palácio Nacional da Pena since October 2010, of the Palácio de Monserrate since February 2015 and of the Palácio Nacional de Queluz and Palácio Nacional de Sintra since June 2019, Parques de Sintra - Monte da Lua, S.A. (PSML), Sintra.
Since 2017 António Nunes Pereira is a board member (treasurer) of the ARRE – Network of European Royal Residences. Since 2019 he participates for PSML in the European project Palamusto, a network of leading European universities, heritage institutions and palace-museums which investigates the court residence or palace as a phenomenon of cultural exchange.
Pereira, A.N. (2019). O culto da personalidade e o legado patrimonial: protagonistas da Paisagem Cultural de Sintra. Contexto atual sob a gestão da Parques de Sintra – Monte da Lua, s.a. e alguns antecedentes históricos. In 10 anos de reflexão sobre Casas-Museu em Portugal, Património a Norte, nr. 01, 2019, 81-94.
Pereira, A.N. (2019). O Palácio Nacional da Pena sob a Parques de Sintra – Monte da Lua, S.A.: Recuperação Museológica dos Interiores Domésticos Românticos. In Atas do Ciclo de Conferências do Palácio Nacional de Mafra na Comemoração do Tricentenário do Lançamento da Primeira Pedra da Basílica da Mafra (1717-2017). Mafra, Câmara Municipal de Mafra, 140-151.
Pereira, A.N. (2018). Der Palácio de Pena in der Kulturlandschaft Sintra Denkmalwert und Denkmalpflege im meistbesuchten Schloss Portugals. In Dialog als Herausforderung (Archimaera Heft 7, Juli/2018), 11-23.
Pereira, A.N). Traces of English Romanticism in the Serra of Sintra: The Monserrate Estate. In Monserrate Revisited. The Cook Collection in Portugal. Lisbon: Caleidoscópio, 31-41.
Pereira, A.N. (2017). Park und Schloss Pena: der Gestaltungsbeginn von Sintras romantischer Kulturlandschaft. In Zweite Schweriner Welterbetagung 13.-14. Oktober 2016. Tagungsband. Schwerin (2017), 201-210.
Schedel, M., Pereira, A.N. (2016). D. Fernando II e o Palácio da Pena. Olhar Oitocentista sobre a Época Manuelina e os Exotismos. In Artis. Revista de História da Arte e Ciências do Património, nº. 4, 2016, 42-49.
Pereira, A.N. (2016). O lugar da exposição: os antigos aposentos de D. Manuel II. In Fernando Coburgo Fecit. A atividade artística do rei-consorte. Sintra: Parques de Sintra – Monte da Lua, S.A., 10-17.
Pereira, A.N. (2015). A relevância do De re ædificatoria na herança disciplinar da arquitectura clássica em Portugal: a influência da obra escrita e construída de Alberti. In Na Génese das Racionalidades Modernas. Em torno de Alberti e do Humanismo. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 473-493.
Pereira, A.N. (2014). O Romantismo revisitado: Raul Lino e o Palácio da Pena. In Colóquio Nacional Raul Lino em Sintra, Actas do II Ciclo de Conferências. Sintra: Castelo do Amor, 83-101.
Pereira, A.N. (2011). Renaissance in Goa: Proportion systems in two churches of the 16th century. In Nexus Network Journal – Vol. 13, no. 2, 2011, 373-396 (indexed to the Easy Data Base of Scholarly Journals).
Pereira, A.N (2011). Metropolitan Sé Cathedral of Goa and Damão; Saint Catherine’s Chapel; Chapel of Our Lady of the Mount; Saint Anthony’s Chapel (with Mendiratta, S.); Chapel of Saint Francis Xavier; Church of Our Lady of Divine Providence; Church of Our Lady of the Rosary; Saint Paul’s Church; Church and Professed House of Bom Jesus; Convent of Saint Francis and Church of the Holy Spirit; Convent and Church of Our Lady of Grace (with Mendiratta. S.); Saint Monica’s Convent and Saint Mary’s Church; Convent of Saint John of God; Convent of the Cross of Miracles. In Portuguese Heritage around the World. Architecture and Urbanism. Volume Asia and Oceania. Lisbon: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 244-262 (original Portuguese version 2010, 244-262).
Pereira, A.N. (2010). Igrejas e Capelas de Santa Catarina de Velha Goa. In anais de história de além-mar, vol. XI, 2010, 31-62.
Pereira, A.N. (2010). 1582: ano zero na arquitectura religiosa portuguesa? In Mosteiro de S. Vicente de Fora, Arte e História. Lisbon: Centro Cultural, Patriarcado de Lisboa, 108-127.
Pereira, AN. (2009). Proportions in 16th Century Colonial Church Architecture in Goa: Report on the UNIDCOM Research Project ‘Architecture and Mathematics’. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference UNIDCOM / IADE “40 IADE 40”, 1st to 3rd October 2009, IADE Chiado Center. Lisbon: IADE – Creative University, 298-310.
Pereira, A.N. (2007). Três Planos Pombalinos para a Reconstrução de Velha Goa. In Arte e Teoria, Journal of Mestrado em Teorias da Arte. Faculdade de Belas-Artes, Universidade de Lisboa, nr. 10, 2007, 229-242.
Pereira, A.N. (2005). A arquitectura religiosa cristã de Velha Goa. Segunda metade do século XVI e primeiras décadas do século XVII. Lisbon: Fundação Oriente (Colecção Orientália, nr. 10).
Pereira, A.N. (2005). New and Old / New in Old: Design in Built Heritage. In Pride & PreDesign: The Cultural Heritage and the Science of Design. IInd International Meeting, Science of Design, UnidCom/IADE – Cumulus Spring Conference, Lisbon, 16th-19th May 2005, 114-118.
Pereira, A.N. (2003). Para uma terminologia da disciplina de protecção do património construído. In JA, Jornal dos Arquitectos, nr. 213, Nov./Dez. 2003, 27-32.
Pereira, A.N. (2003). Werner Kallmorgens Ernst Barlach Haus: ein Klassiker der Moderne In 40 Jahre Ernst Barlach Haus. Hamburg, 26-32.
Pereira, A.N. (2003). Die Kirchenbauten in Alt-Goa in der zweiten Hälfte des 16. und in den ersten Jahrzehnten des 17. Jahrhunderts. Zur Entstehung eines Sakralbautypus. PhD thesis, Faculty of Architecture, University of Technology (RWTH) of Aachen. https://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/61931/files/61931.pdf
Pereira, A.N. (2002). Der geplante Wiederaufbau der Stadt Goa unter Pombal. In Spanien und Portugal im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. International symposium of the Carl Justi Association and the European Enlightenment Research Centre, Potsdam. Potsdam, 19th-22nd February 1998. Frankfurt/Main, 563-580.
Pereira, A.N. (1999). Die EXPO ´98 – Lissabon und seine Weltausstellung. In Mitteilungen der Carl Justi-Vereinigung e.V., year 11. 1999, 66-77.
Pereira, A.N. (1997). Goan and Christian architecture of the 16th century. In Goa and Portugal. Their Cultural Links. International symposium Intercultural Relations Portugal-Goa. May/June 1996, Cologne University. New Delhi, 148-154.
Schloss Pena in Sintra zwischen deutscher Burgromantik und nationaler Identitätsergründung (The Palace of Pena between the romantic castle movement and the surch for national identity)
Forum “Kunst auf der Iberischen Halbinsel und in Iberoamerika” (Art on the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America), XXXIII. Deutscher Kunsthistorikertag: Der Wert der Kunst (33rd German Conference of Art Historians: The Value of Art), 24th to 28th March 2015, University of Mainz, Germany.
Refurnishing Queen Amelia’s Withdrawing Room at the Palace of Pena, Sintra
Technical meeting 2014 of the Association des Résidences Royales Européennes (ARRE) “Refurnishing Palaces and Castles. A Formal Exercise?”, 17th and 18th November 2014, National Estate of Chambord, France.
O Romantismo revisitado: Raul Lino e o Palácio da Pena.
second conference cycle of the national colloquium Raul Lino em Sintra, 25th to 27th June, 2014, Casa dos Penedos, Sintra.
A relevância do De re ædificatoria na herança disciplinar da arquitectura clássica em Portugal: a influência da obra escrita e construída de Alberti.
internacional conference Na Génese das Racionalidades Modernas II. Em torno de Alberti e do Humanismo. 15th to 19th April 2013, Science Museum of the University of Coimbra.
Renaissance in Goa: Proportion systems in two churches of the 16th century
internacional conference Nexus 2010 – Relationships Between Architecture & Mathematics, 13th to 15th June 2010, Faculty of Architecture and Mathematics Centre, University of Oporto.
1582: ano zero na arquitectura religiosa portuguesa?
colloquium Mosteiro de S. Vicente de Fora, Arte e História (Monastery of Saint Vincent. Art and History), 28th and 29th May 2010, Patriarchate Cultural Centre, Lisbon.
The Cathedral of Goa: architecture as expression of a Christian Empire
symposium Sacred and Profane in the Early Modern Hispanic World, 16th and 17th October, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, and Indiana University, Bloomington, USA.
Proportions in 16th Century Colonial Church Architecture in Goa: Report on the UNIDCOM Research Project ‘Architecture and Mathematics’
40 IADE 40 – 5th UNIDCOM / IADE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 1st to 3rd October 2009, IADE Chiado Center, Lisbon.
The “archetype” of a Goan church façade in the hand of a St. Augustine statue
62nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians, 1st to 5th April 2009, Pasadena, California
Arquitectura Religiosa de Velha Goa: Matrizes Europeias na Índia
Colloquium Matrizes da Arquitectura Cristã (Models of Christian Architecture), 27th and 28th November 2008, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Escola das Artes – Extensão de Lisboa
São Paulo in Old Goa, India: an almost vanished testimony of the emerging local Christian religious architecture during the 16th century
61st Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians, 23rd-27th April 2008, Cincinnati, Ohio
Os Interiores e a Teoria do Património (Interior Design and the Built Heritage Theory)
Colloquium Os Interiores em Portugal (Interior Design in Portugal), 12th-13th February, 2008, Sede Cultural do IADE, Palácio Pombal, Lisboa
De Lisboa a Velha Goa: as igrejas agostinhas de São Vicente de Fora e Nossa Senhora da Graça (From Lisbon to Old-Goa: the Augustinian churches São Vicente de Fora and Nossa Senhora da Graça)
Colloquium Lisboa e as Ordens Religiosas (Lisbon and its religious orders), Grupo Amigos de Lisboa and Fundação das Casas de Fronteira e Alorna, 7th to 9th Novembro 2007, Palácio Fronteira, Lisbon.
The Augustinian Church of Our Lady of Grace in Old Goa: Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Goan architectural traditions.
59th Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians, 26th-29th April 2006, Savannah, Georgia.
Eine Fassade als architektonische "Wunderkammer"? Die Fassade der Kirche Bom Jesus in Alt-Goa, Indien (A façade as a "Wunderkammer"? The Façade of the church Bom Jesus of Old Goa, India)
Conference Theatrum Mundi. Die Kunstkammern als Spiegel der spanischen und portugiesischen Expansion (Theatrum Mundi: the "Kunstkammern" as a reflex of the Spanish and Portuguese Expansion). International symposium of the Carl Justi Association and the Institute of Art History, Innsbruck University. Innsbruck, 10th-12th June 2005.
New and Old / New in Old: Design in Built Heritage.
Conference Pride & Pride & PreDesign: The Cultural Heritage and the Science of Design. IInd International Meeting, Science of Design, UnidCom/IADE – Cumulus Spring Conference), Lisbon, 16th-19th May 2005.
Der geplante Wiederaufbau der Stadt Goa unter Pombal (The planed reconstruction of the town Old Goa under Pombal).
Spanien und Portugal im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. International symposium of the Carl Justi Association and of the Research Centre European Enlightenment, Potsdam. Potsdam, 19th-22nd February 1998.
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Department of History of Urban Design, Prof. Dr. Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, as part of a series of lectures about “Urban Strategies of the Enlightenment”
Scroll tablets: Decoration motives in the species’ route
5th German-Portuguese Workshop: Portugal, India and Germany. Portuguese Speaking World Centre at the Cologne University, May/June 1996.
Student: Susana Teresa Patrício Pereira
Title: Design e Herança Cultural: Comunicação em Palácios/Museu
Date: 2017
Area: Doutoramento em Design, IADE - Universidade Europeia (orientador) -
Student: Mariana Pimentel Fragoso Schedel
Title: Palácio da Pena 1839-1885 – Casa de D. Fernando II de Saxe-Coburgo. Morada e Museu
Date: 2012-2016
Area: Doutoramento em História da Arte Contemporânea, Universidade Nova de Lisboa -
Student: Ilídio Jorge Costa Pereira da Silva
Title: A arquitectura cenobítica dos Cónegos Regrantes de St.º Agostinho em Portugal
Date: 2008
Area: Doutoramento em Arquitectura, Universidade do Minho
- Student: Sara Filipa Ferreira Gonçalves
Title: Palácio Nacional da Pena: Contributos para o estudo dos seus interiores e das alterações do respetivo acervo (1910-1940)
Date: 2017
Area: Mestrado em Museologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa