Priscila Lena Farias
External Advisory Board Member
Priscila is a graphic designer, researcher, and scholar in design. She holds a fellowship from CNPq in Brazil. She is Graduated in Visual Communication (Industrial Design) from Fundação Armando Penteado (1984), with an MA in Communication and Semiotics from PUC-SP (1997) and Ph.D. in the same graduate program (2002). Farias is a professor at the Projects Department at FAUUSP and at the postgrad program in Architecture and Urbanism at the same institution, where she coordinates the LabVisual (Visual Design Research Laboratory). Priscila edits the scientific journal InfoDesign – Revista Brasileira de Design da Informação – and is a member of the editorial committee on many other design publications, both in Brazil and abroad, such as The Design Journal, Design and Culture, Information Design Journal, and Journal of Communication Design. Also, she consults for many scientific entities like FAPESP, CAPES e CNPq. Her professional experience includes projects of industrial design, focusing on visual communication having actuated in areas such as graphic design, semiotics, typography, type design, design history and information design.